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Five Career Goals to Set for the New Business Year

  1. Learn a new skill
    Whatever your level of employment, there's always room for improvement and personal growth. Resolve to learn or improve a professional skill this year to help advance your career. Take some time to analyze your current skill set to find room for improvements and then find an online course or instructional video to help you learn something new.
  2. Move up in your career
    Don't be afraid to be ambitious this year. Review your current position and determine the best way to achieve real career growth. This can translate into a promotion at your job, striking out on your own or leaving your workplace for a new position elsewhere. Write down your goal and then break it down into the steps you need to take to make it happen. Set a timeline for each of your steps so you can review it throughout the year and make sure you're on track for it to happen.
  3. Increase your productivity 
    Boosting your productivity will turn you into a valued employee who gets more done in less time. Take stock of your current work practices, looking for areas to change for increasing your productivity levels. For example, if you often get sidetracked while answering your email, you can resolve to answer messages only twice a day, or even once an hour. Blocking out time for this specific task can help you keep your focus throughout the day. Also, consider taking steps to avoid distractions, like turning off social media notifications on your phone while at work.
  4. Network more
    If you struggle with meeting new people or just want to gain more professional goals, the easiest way to do so is by attending networking events. Developing connections is important to make advancements in your career because you never know when a referral or advice will be useful. If you find it difficult to network, start by connecting with coworkers you don't speak to often. This is an easy way to build your confidence to attend events and meet others. To make your goal measurable, set a specific number of people to build relationships with throughout the year.
  5. Say yes to opportunities
    Don't be afraid to accept new career challenges! Resolve to say yes to all, or at least most, new opportunities you are offered this year. You may just find that taking more chances opens up the door to career growth that is far beyond your dreams.

Use this guide to set professional goals for the new business year that will help your career grow and thrive.